Farewell to a colleague
Dr Galib Ali has been a longstanding member of our Gastro society and has been attending many of our meetings. Galib died in October at an unexpected young age of 64 years. Galib grew up in Fiji but did his medical training in Dunedin.
He came through the ranks and was one of our early advanced trainees: quiet, reliable efficient and very competent in all matters clinical and endoscopy. At the end of his training with us he moved to Australia to take up a senior registrar position in research, mainly motility studies with Ian Cook. He maintained a longstanding interest in this field even after moving to public and private practice in Queensland.
Galib always retained a soft spot for Dunedin – at one stage considering returning to New Zealand which did not work out.Galib is survived by his wife and children - on behalf of the Dunedin team and no doubt the Gastro Society I extend my deepest sympathy and condolences to Galib’s family.
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