Covid Delta Endoscopy Priority Tool
Posted Sunday August 22, 2021
- This advice will be reviewed regularly with key stakeholders, particularly when the Alert is nuanced from National to Regional
- GI Endoscopy is a key diagnostic and therapeutic investigation
- It is still unclear in terms of understanding how this outbreak will affect emergency and elective work. The situation is rapidly evolving.
- The following Position Statement will require a full review in light of the Delta Outbreak. NZSG will work on this in the next 7 – 14 days with Key Stakeholders.
- NZSG fully support all Public Health measures including the Elimination strategy and Vaccination programme, and Ministry of Health Guidelines that advise people to not delay seeking help for any health needs at any Alert Level.
- NZSG is in regular contact with many GI Endoscopists, and will do everything possible to communicate to enable cooperation between departments and DHBs to support provision of specialist GI Endoscopy and Gastroenterology Care, as well as the recommencement of Bowel Screening as soon as possible
This is based on the 2020 guideline, which will be reviewed in coming weeks and is available on the NZSG website.
Keep safe and be kind. Any korero / feedback is welcomed, please email Anna or contact the President / an Exec member directly. You can also find this table on our website under Covid 19 section here
Nga mihi nui,
Zoe Raos
NZSG President
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