Use your voice to drive meaningful change!

Posted Saturday August 10, 2024

Use your voice to drive meaningful change!

The Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) is currently promoting a survey to collect valuable feedback from supervisors. Use your voice to make a difference to the future of the medical profession by completing the Supervisor Voices Survey.

RACP supervisors – Complete the 2024 Supervisor Voices Survey

All RACP Supervisors and educational leaders are invited to participate in the 2024 Supervisor Voices Survey. This survey will provide an opportunity for supervisors to tell the RACP about contemporary supervision challenges, including workload, support needs, and capacity and capability to supervise.

Complete the survey

The anonymous survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete and is open from 1-22 August.  

Your responses are strictly confidential and used for quality improvement purposes. All identifying details from your responses will be removed and only aggregated results will be presented.

Further information can be found on the Supervisor Voices Survey webpage. If you have questions regarding this survey, please email

Thank you to those who have already shared their experiences.


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