The inaugural Motility Summit was held on August 8 in Lake Hayes Queenstown

Posted Saturday August 10, 2024

The inaugural Lake Hayes Motility Summit 2024, hosted by the NZ Neurogastroenterology and Motility Network on August 8, set a new benchmark for specialist conferences with its carefully curated boutique format. With a limit of 40 delegates, the summit quickly reached full capacity, generating a waitlist of 20 additional professionals. This high demand reflects the urgent need for more specialized motility learning opportunities.

The Summit was held at the scenic Lake Hayes home of Alasdair and Catherine Patrick, providing a stunning snowcapped mountain backdrop for the event. The day was preceded by a pre-conference dinner at the newly opened Aryburn, which set a welcoming tone with excellent food and a beautiful venue that facilitated engaging networking and mingling.

The program featured a distinguished lineup of international key opinion leaders, including Dr Trina Kellar from Brisbane, Dr Jenny Myers from Adelaide, Professor Rebecca Burgell from Melbourne, Dr Asma Fikree from London, Associate Professor Ali Reziae from Los Angeles, and Auckland’s own Professor Greg O'Grady. They were joined by local experts Dr Chris Cederwall, Dr Alasdair Patrick, and Dr Charlotte Daker. Their collective insights provided a comprehensive exploration of motility disorders.

The Summit delivered practical management tips through interactive sessions that covered everything from the upper oesophageal sphincter to the external anal sphincter. Networking sessions led to productive discussions about future collaborative projects, both within New Zealand and across the Tasman.

Serving as a catalyst for change, the summit highlighted innovative approaches and emphasized the importance of cohesive teamwork and consensus in managing complex functional patients. The picturesque setting and the support from industry sponsors; Medtronic, Norgine, Alimetry, Insight Medical, and Health FX, further enriched the experience, ensuring a successful and memorable event.

In summary, the Lake Hayes Motility Summit 2024 was a great success; advancing the field of motility disorders and strengthening professional connections.   


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