NZSG Polypectomy Course


Our next course will be 13 February 2025 for Day 1 and 14 February 2025 for Day 2 - an application can be submitted now. 

This course provides an opportunity for nurses, trainees, and practitioners in gastroenterology to increase their knowledge on; endoscopic superficial neoplasia and the role of different resection technique, the indications for EMR, the equipment necessary for therapeutic gastrointestinal endoscopy, understanding of range of therapeutic modalities involved in polypectomy and familiarise themselves with techniques to reduce recurrence, treatment of complications. Day two provides an opportunity to utilise equipment and have hand-on training in polypectomy.

The 2025 Course has been confirmed 

  • WHEN: 13 February 2025 for Day 1 and 14 February 2025 for Day 2
  • WHERE: University of Auckland (UoA) Grafton 
  • Applications are being accepted now

Thanks to generous funding by the National Bowel Screening Programme NZSG is excited to be offering the NZSG course covering best practice in polypectomy and endoscopic resection techniques again in 2025. 

The course will be offered on Thursday, February 13, 2025, and Friday, February 14, 2025, at the University of Auckland (UoA) Grafton Campus.  

Applications for Day 1 are being accepted now. 

Objectives of the Course are: 

  • Describe endoscopic superficial neoplasia and the role of different resection techniques
  • Increase the understanding of the indications for EMR
  • Describe equipment necessary for therapeutic gastrointestinal endoscopy
  • Increase understanding of range of therapeutic modalities involved in polypectomy
  • Familiarisation with techniques to reduce recurrence, treatment of complications
  • Provide opportunity to utilise equipment and have hand-on training in polypectomy.

Day 1 is an educational program

The day will be offered at a lecture theatre within the UoA. The exact location will be confirmed closer to the date. The programme is open to all interested parties. The fee for Day 1 is: 

  • $425 SMOs and Consultants
  • $250 Advanced trainees
  • $150 Endoscopy Nurses, Nurse Endoscopists.

To apply to attend please complete the application form

Day two is a hands-on program applications are now being accepted. 

the day is limited to six people and final selection will be based on:

  • the completed application form and
  • a current CV and logbook with 
  • NZCCRTGE recognition if applicable. 

This information is to be submitted to

The six selected participants for Day 2 will have the opportunity to practice endoscopic resection techniques under guidance by established Interventional Endoscopists in Aotearoa New Zealand. The course aims to review individual’s polypectomy technique with formative feedback; supplemented by some hands-on skills training in assessment of polyp types and management, basic EMR and polypectomy. There will be opportunity to try various techniques used such as basic lift and snare EMR, band-ligation EMR plus adjunct such as soft-tip coagulation techniques.

Day 2 course fee is $2500.00. This includes Day 1 fees.

As noted above for those wishing to participate in either day 1 only or both day 1 and 2 please submit the application form.  

*** For applicants for DAY 2 once you have submitted an application form you must also submit to the following information***** 

  1. Current Curriculum Vitae 
  2. Current Logbook 
  3. NZCCRTGE Training recognition. 

Refund Policy 

The NSZG refund policy for courses and events can be found here