Your Executive at Work

Posted Sunday June 11, 2023

We have hosted several education courses to date with several scheduled in the coming months including: 

  • Introduction to Endoscopy held in February 2023 attended by 10 Advanced Trainees 
  • Polypectomy Course held in February 2023 attended by 29 Gastroenterology Professionals over two-days
  • Introduction to Endoscopy scheduled for August 2023 
  • Train the Colonoscopy Trainer scheduled for August 2023. 

We continue supporting the gastroenterology advanced trainees with monthly hui supported by SMOs from across the motu. Match 2024 is underway with interviews for placements being held on 27/28 July. 

The Executive has scheduled several networking and training hui with the support of our sponsors including:

  • Trainees Day in April sponsored by Pharmaco 
  • Hepatology Network Meeting in June sponsored by Abbvie 
  • IBD Symposium in August sponsored by Pharmaco 

Our Working Groups and Networks continue to advocate for the profession in the areas of hepatology, IBD medications, sustainability, neuro-gastroenterology and equity with a number of initiatives underway.

Ongoing Executive projects include:

  • Revision of the NZSG rules
  • Embedding the Equity Position in the Match process for advanced gastroenterology trainees
  • Working with key stakeholders to advance the profession through training, increased workplace opportunities and support.
  • Considering alternate funding options.

We continue to work with Conference Innovators to provide the 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting being held on 6 to 8 December 2023 in Rotorua. Further information on the ASM can be found at Home | GASTRO (

Prof Catherine Stedman, President NZSG — Image by: NZ Gastro Office


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